„Es gibt Augenblicke,
in denen eine Rose wichtiger ist
als ein Stück Brot.“
(Rainer Maria Rilke)

Mag. Trude Kalcher

Unternehmensberaterin, Trainerin, Coach, Mediatorin und Geschäftsführerin

Fields of Acitivity

Development and support of groups and organizations, qualification and coaching of executives from industry, insurance companies, universities
  • Organizational and business development
    Moderation and monitoring of strategy-, vision- and teambuilding processes
    Organizational development for managers, staff management and team management
    Project Supervision, Coaching for managing directors, executives, entrepreneurs
    Training projects and project supervisions in various sectors of SMEs, social institutions, non-profit organizations and profit enterprises
    Project management for network/cluster formation, cooperation between organisations and institu-tions
    Identifying interest, activating, planning and realising network-, and cluster projects. Cluster pro-jects in the areas of automobile, wood processing, ecological technology for public sponsorship agencies
    Office Management, accounting, knowledge management, leadership
  • Staff development and training for managers and consultants
    Planning and implementing training programmes
    Training on organizational development, team management, Polarity Management, methods of project supervision, conflict management
    External and internal skills training courses for enterprise development and organizational design and change management to guide and implement
    Coaching for CEOs, Entrepreneurs and especially women and teams in leading functions
  • Research topics and technical development
    Systemic view by Varga / Sparrer and the connection with models and concepts of the Trigon-OE
    Intuitive and creative methods of learning exercises and social-artistic exercises
    Subtle Energies, Integral map to Wilber, levels of self-development
    Polarities and description of qualities for example, Job profiles, evaluation of processes, solutions for areas of conflict in teams and organizations

Branches and Clients

Social area, networks and clusters, public sector, universities and industry (automotive sector)

  • Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz – Hochschule für soziale Arbeit (CH)
  • KAGes – Krankenanstaltengesellschaft (A)
  • Magna Steyr (A)
  • Frauenservice Graz (A)
  • Esterhazy Betriebe (A)
  • Green Tech Cluster (A)
  • AUVA – Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (A)
  • Jobclub (CH)
  • Technische Universität Graz (A)
  • Werkgemeinschaft Berlin-Brandenburg (D)
  • Greenpeace Schweiz (CH)
  • Steiermärkische Sparkasse (A)



Erschienen in integrale perspektiven 30 – 3/2015
Trude Kalcher
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Interview Trude Kalcher | Wilhelm Ortmayr (smbs)
Trude Kalcher
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Friedrich Glasl, Trude Kalcher, Hannes Piber (Hrsg.)
4., überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage 2020
Friedrich Glasl
Trude Kalcher
Hannes Piber
Trude Kalcher, N.N., CEO einer großen deutschen Organisation
Trude Kalcher
Download (pdf)

Mag.rer.soc.oec. Trude Kalcher

born 1957 in Styria, Austria. Studied Business Administration and Business Education, inde-pendent consultant since 1984, partner of Trigon since 1986
Registered mediator.
Qualifications in group dynamics, psycho synthesis, systemic con-stellation work, conflict management, hypno-systemic concepts, mediation, generative trance.
7 years board member and general manager of the Waldorf School in Graz. Since 1986 general manager of Trigon Graz Lenzburg.
Married, one daughter, lives in Graz
Interests: collecting sayings, hiking, reading, traveling